In our work we overcome many challenges, and constantly learn new stuff, so we thought it would be good to have a team blog, where we could share some useful info with you. Here we will be posting project updates, hot news and cool ideas! Keep an eye on it.
About the authors
Milen is a Project Manager, and a co-founder of MTR Design. He is also the first point of contact for our clients, and is personally “guilty” for the successful completion of a long list of web projects. Throughout the years he was responsible for the crafty befriending of clients such as: The Electric Sheep Company, River Cottage, BAA, and many other happy “victims”.
Nikolay is a former salesman turned Marketing | Business Development | Project Manager, and a co-founder of MTR Design. He is also the last point of contact for our clients due to his imaginable inability to improve his level of English. Throughout the years he successfully produced a number of inappropriate ideas for web applications, but to this very day his status of a “co-founder” keeps him steady in the team.
There is also a whole bunch of other highly suspicious individuals at MTR, that must be mentioned as they love being noted. Elena, Velentin, Stanislav, Vladimir, Marush and Alex all say hello to you.
See you around!