A client in need…
Every project starts with a conversation with the client. And this particular one launched with pleasant one. We were quite delighted to meet our commissioners, Neural Brothers, and discuss their request for a website.
Just to make it clear - those guys are our friends, so the conversation took place over a beer and a cheerful agreement followed later that night. We were quite excited that they wanted us to build their site - they totally spoke our language, so it promised to be a smooth and collaborative project.
At the first glance the work appeared to be more than pleasing. Nonetheless we were restless, because we were aware it was going to take time and some nerves. The pledge was high - those boys were picky and knew exactly what they wanted. So they would accept nothing but the best solution.
… is a client indeed
The creative part of our job kicks off from the basic concept of the product the website is designated for.
In the case of Recmnd - the genuine offspring of Neural Brothers, the website had to be tailored in a way to provide their service online. So we studied our object and made our empirical conclusions.
To start with - Recmnd is an automated content recommendation engine that allows any website owner to show related content to his readers. All recommendations are served via a widget and the users control its style, the information shown for each suggestion, the number of displayed recommendations, the time period of the recommendations, and the depth of the recommendation analysis.
So the main features were obvious from the beginning: we needed a platform, able to maintain and operate with sign-ups and different subscription plans, as well as a payment system and all the attributes, necessary for managing a personal account.
Our idea for presenting the product the best way possible was gravitating around the notion that Recmnd was a service, so our energy was thrown in creating an easy to use website, leaving the users with an option to navigate quickly and precisely through the site depending on their needs.
Simplicity was the keyword, so the path we chose was our favorite three-step speedway: get the info, make an account, use it.
The whole idea was to make the customers feel that the website was there to give them the perfect and simplest solution of their content related troubles.
That’s why despite our efforts made for shaping the visual aspects of the site, the emphasis was placed on its functional features.
In short: we developed the website’s content management system, customizing it in a way to fit our client’s requirements. Our team took care of the design of both the logo and the website for Recmnd, we did the HTML/CSS coding for the website and the integration of the PayPal payment system. To top it all we developed an API for the clients of the service.